Global Programs Kenya led research to address maternal health disparities in low- and middle-income countries, where 800 pregnancy-related deaths occur daily. In sub-Saharan Africa, many women, particularly from low socioeconomic backgrounds, do not deliver in health facilities, leading to poor outcomes. To address this, the "Caring for Providers to Improve Patient Experience" (CPIPE) intervention was developed (PI: Dr. Patience Afulani, UCSF OBGYN). CPIPE focuses on provider training, peer support, mentorship, embedded champions, leadership engagement, and promoting equitable and respectful care to tackle key drivers of poor person-centered maternal care, such as stress, burnout, and bias.
In July, Advances in Global Health published "Implementation of the Caring for Providers to Improve Patient Experience Intervention in Migori County, Kenya: Challenges, Successes, and Lessons." Authors include Beryl Ogolla (Global Programs Kenya), Linnet Ongeri (KEMRI), Edwina Oboke (Global Programs Kenya), Monica Getahun (UCSF IGHS), Joyceline Kinyua (KEMRI), Iscar Oluoch (Migori County Government, Kenya), James Oduor (Migori County Referral Hospital, Kenya), and Patience Afulani (UCSF IGHS).