Global Programs Namibia: Partners

The CDC established an office in Namibia in 2002 to focus on implementing HIV programs in regions with a high HIV burden. CDC partners with the Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services to strengthen the capacity of Namibia’s healthcare workforce and systems to prevent, detect, and respond to public health threats.

A state-owned institution operating in both the public and private market segments that provides medical laboratory services to its clients in Namibia and beyond its borders.

The organization carries out welfare and development work of any nature and assists the people of Namibia to improve their quality of life. DAPP aids people related to health, education and training, and community development, including climate change.

The organization aims to provide integrated, affordable, accessible, and quality health and social welfare services that are responsive to the needs of the Namibian population.

I-TECH has worked in Namibia since 2004 to support a robust and sustainable health care system, and to address key health challenges including high HIV prevalence and a critical shortage of skilled health care workers.

Contact Us
Global Programs Namibia
Bahnhof Street No. 5
(Google Maps does not reflect new street name:
5 Prof. Mburumba Kerina Street)
Windhoek, Namibia